This commit has been accessed 586 times via Git panel.
commit cc4b590988ab2ec3fbbd3d34c9dceca66be9e0e2
tree aa6ae87fa4f0f777fe4e0447564b3594d9a14cbc
parent e596d8416c4b1b7c514289d1c9832319914d4428
author Engels Antonio <> 1277314197 +0800
committer Engels Antonio <> 1277314197 +0800
diff --git a/edit.php b/edit.php
index 6daf675..b6a8c7f 100644
--- a/edit.php
+++ b/edit.php
@@ -116,7 +116,15 @@ p, td {
a {
- font-weight: bold;
+ font-weight: <?php
+ if (file_exists("data/xbold.txt")) {
+ echo "normal";
+ }
+ else {
+ echo "bold";
+ }
+ ?>;
text-decoration: none;
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
index edad158..19557f0 100644
--- a/index.php
+++ b/index.php
@@ -691,7 +691,15 @@ p, td {
a {
- font-weight: bold;
+ font-weight: <?php
+ if (file_exists("data/xbold.txt")) {
+ echo "normal";
+ }
+ else {
+ echo "bold";
+ }
+ ?>;
text-decoration: none;
@@ -2082,7 +2090,7 @@ foreach ($disp as $d) {
echo "><br>";
- echo "$author</a><br>";
+ echo "<b>$author</b></a><br>";
if ((file_get_contents("data/username.txt") == $author) and file_exists("data/rank.txt")) {
echo "administrator<br>";
@@ -2681,16 +2689,15 @@ if (file_exists("data/panels")) {
echo '<b class="rbtop"><b class="rb1t"></b><b class="rb2t"></b><b class="rb3t"></b><b class="rb4t"></b></b><div class="xtitle">';
else {
- echo '<div id=panel_title>';
+ echo "<div id=panel_title>";
- echo 'Filedrop';
+ echo "Filedrop";
if (isset($_SESSION['logged_in']) and ($_SESSION['logged_in'] == $login_username)) {
- echo '<a href=del.php?entry=';
- echo $d;
- echo '&target=filedrop><img src=images/widget.del.png border=0 width=11 height=11 align=right alt="delete filedrop"></a>';
+ echo "<a href=del.php?entry=$d&target=filedrop><img src=images/widget.del.png border=0 width=11 height=11 align=right alt=\"delete filedrop\"></a>";
- echo '</div><div id=panel_body>';
+ echo "</div><div id=panel_body>";
if (file_exists("$dir/$d/passwd.txt") and (!isset($_SESSION['logged_in']) or ($_SESSION['logged_in'] != $login_username)) and (!isset($_REQUEST['passwd']) or ($crypt_passwd != $passwd))) {
echo "This entry is password protected. If you know the magic word, click <a href=passwd.php?entry=$d&show=filedrop>here</a> to enter it.";
@@ -2700,44 +2707,55 @@ if (file_exists("data/panels")) {
if ($dh_filedrop = opendir("data/items/$d/filedrop/files")) {
while (($dl_file = readdir($dh_filedrop)) !== false) {
if ($dl_file != "." && $dl_file != ".." && fnmatch("*", $dl_file)) {
- echo '<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4><tr><td>';
- echo '<a href=' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?entry=' . $d . '&download=' . $dl_file. '&type=filedrop>';
- echo '<img src=images/filedrop.png width=36 height=36 border=0 alt="download file"></a></td>';
- echo '<td><p><b>';
- echo $dl_file;
- echo'</b>';
- if (file_exists("data/items/$d/filedrop/sha1.txt")) {
- $sha1 = sha1_file("data/items/$d/filedrop/files/$dl_file");
- echo "<br />$sha1 (<a href= target=_maj>sha1</a>)";
- }
- if (file_exists("data/items/$d/filedrop/md5.txt")) {
- $md5 = md5_file("data/items/$d/filedrop/files/$dl_file");
- echo "<br />$md5 (<a href= target=_maj>md5</a>)";
- }
- $size = filesize("data/items/$d/filedrop/files/$dl_file");
- $size_string = ($size > 512)?( ($size/1024 > 512) ?sprintf("%.02f MB",($size/1024)/1024) :sprintf("%.02f KB",$size/1024)) :sprintf("%d B",$size);
- echo "<br />$size_string";
- $filedrop_count_file = "data/items/$d/filedrop/count/$dl_file" . '.txt';
- if (file_exists($filedrop_count_file)) {
- $fp_filedrop_count = fopen($filedrop_count_file, "r");
- $filedrop_count = fread($fp_filedrop_count, filesize($filedrop_count_file));
- fclose($fp_filedrop_count);
- echo '<br>';
- echo $filedrop_count;
- if ($filedrop_count == 1) {
- echo ' download';
- }
- if ($filedrop_count > 1) {
- echo ' downloads';
- }
- }
- echo '</p></td></tr></table>';
+ $filedrop_files[] = $dl_file;
+ reset($filedrop_files);
+ sort($filedrop_files);
+ foreach ($filedrop_files as $filedrop_file) {
+ echo "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4><tr><td>";
+ echo "<a href=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?entry=$d&download=$filedrop_file&type=filedrop\">";
+ echo "<img src=images/filedrop.png width=36 height=36 border=0 alt=\"download file\"></a></td>";
+ echo "<td><p><b>$filedrop_file</b>";
+ if (file_exists("data/items/$d/filedrop/sha1.txt")) {
+ $sha1 = sha1_file("data/items/$d/filedrop/files/$filedrop_file");
+ echo "<br />$sha1 (<a href= target=_maj>sha1</a>)";
+ }
+ if (file_exists("data/items/$d/filedrop/md5.txt")) {
+ $md5 = md5_file("data/items/$d/filedrop/files/$filedrop_file");
+ echo "<br />$md5 (<a href= target=_maj>md5</a>)";
+ }
+ $size = filesize("data/items/$d/filedrop/files/$filedrop_file");
+ $size_string = ($size > 512)?( ($size/1024 > 512) ?sprintf("%.02f MB",($size/1024)/1024) :sprintf("%.02f KB",$size/1024)) :sprintf("%d B",$size);
+ echo "<br />$size_string";
+ $filedrop_count_file = "data/items/$d/filedrop/count/$filedrop_file" . '.txt';
+ if (file_exists($filedrop_count_file)) {
+ $fp_filedrop_count = fopen($filedrop_count_file, "r");
+ $filedrop_count = fread($fp_filedrop_count, filesize($filedrop_count_file));
+ fclose($fp_filedrop_count);
+ echo "<br>$filedrop_count";
+ if ($filedrop_count == 1) {
+ echo " download";
+ }
+ if ($filedrop_count > 1) {
+ echo " downloads";
+ }
+ }
+ echo "</p></td></tr></table>";
+ }
- echo '</div>';
+ echo "</div>";
if (file_exists("data/round.txt")) {
echo '<b class="rbbottom"><b class="rb4b"></b><b class="rb3b"></b><b class="rb2b"></b><b class="rb1b"></b></b>';
@@ -2836,7 +2854,8 @@ if (file_exists("data/panels")) {
echo '><tr><td>';
if ($dh_comments = opendir("$dir/$d/comments/live")) {
while (($entry_comments = readdir($dh_comments)) !== false) {
- if ($entry_comments != "." && $entry_comments != ".." && fnmatch("*", $entry_comments)) { $show_comments[] = $entry_comments;
+ if ($entry_comments != "." && $entry_comments != ".." && fnmatch("*", $entry_comments)) {
+ $show_comments[] = $entry_comments;
@@ -3608,7 +3627,7 @@ if (($start >= $increase) and ($start != 0)) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['find']) and !empty($_REQUEST['find']) and ($_REQUEST['find'] == "filedrop")) {
echo "find=filedrop&";
- echo "start=" . ($start-$increase) . "\">previous</a></p></td>";
+ echo "start=" . ($start-$increase) . "\"><b>previous</b></a></p></td>";
if ($end < sizeof($items)) {
@@ -3646,7 +3665,7 @@ if ($end < sizeof($items)) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['find']) and !empty($_REQUEST['find']) and ($_REQUEST['find'] == "filedrop")) {
echo "find=filedrop&";
- echo "start=" . ($start+$increase) . "\">next</a></p></td>";
+ echo "start=" . ($start+$increase) . "\"><b>next</b></a></p></td>";
@@ -3717,9 +3736,9 @@ if (isset($_SESSION['logged_in']) and ($_SESSION['logged_in'] == $login_username
if ($dh_list_pending_comment_flags = opendir("data/comments/pending")) {
while (($entry_list_pending_comment_flags = readdir($dh_list_pending_comment_flags)) !== false) {
if ($entry_list_pending_comment_flags != "." && $entry_list_pending_comment_flags != ".." && fnmatch("*", $entry_list_pending_comment_flags)) {
- echo '<a href=' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?entry=' .$entry_list_pending_comment_flags . '&show=comments>';
+ echo '<a href=' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?entry=' .$entry_list_pending_comment_flags . '&show=comments><b>';
- echo '</a><br><font style="font-size: 10px; color: #999999;">';
+ echo '</b></a><br><font style="font-size: 10px; color: #999999;">';
$fp_comment_count_txt = fopen("data/comments/pending/$entry_list_pending_comment_flags/count.txt","r");
$comment_count_value = fread($fp_comment_count_txt,filesize("data/comments/pending/$entry_list_pending_comment_flags/count.txt"));
diff --git a/settings.php b/settings.php
index 7565bc5..8fb90bc 100644
--- a/settings.php
+++ b/settings.php
@@ -213,6 +213,18 @@ if (!isset($_POST['xrecent']) or empty($_POST['xrecent'])) {
+if (isset($_POST['xbold']) and !empty($_POST['xbold']) and ($_POST['xbold'] == "on") and !file_exists("data/xbold.txt")) {
+ touch("data/xbold.txt");
+if (!isset($_POST['xbold']) or empty($_POST['xbold'])) {
+ if (isset($_POST['edit']) and ($_POST['edit'] == "on")) {
+ if (file_exists("data/xbold.txt")) {
+ unlink("data/xbold.txt");
+ }
+ }
if (isset($_POST['round']) and !empty($_POST['round']) and ($_POST['round'] == "on") and !file_exists("data/round.txt")) {
@@ -1002,10 +1014,10 @@ a:active {
<tr><td><p>ping on content change</p></td><td><input autocomplete=off class=input type=text name=ping value="<?php readfile("data/ping.txt"); ?>"></td></tr>
<tr><td rowspan=<?php
if (file_exists("data/email.txt")) {
- echo "11";
+ echo "12";
else {
- echo "10";
+ echo "11";
><p>toggles</p></td><td><p><input type=checkbox name=nocomment <?php if (file_exists("data/nocomment.txt")) { echo checked; } ?>> Do not allow visitors to post comments.</p></td></tr>
@@ -1018,6 +1030,7 @@ a:active {
<tr><td><p><input type=checkbox name=xarc <?php if (file_exists("data/xarc.txt")) { echo checked; } ?>> Do not show archives panel.</p></td></tr>
<tr><td><p><input type=checkbox name=xcat <?php if (file_exists("data/xcat.txt")) { echo checked; } ?>> Do not show categories panel.</p></td></tr>
<tr><td><p><input type=checkbox name=nocat <?php if (file_exists("data/nocat.txt")) { echo checked; } ?>> Do not show categorized items with unfiled entries.</p></td></tr>
+<tr><td><p><input type=checkbox name=xbold <?php if (file_exists("data/xbold.txt")) { echo checked; } ?>> Do not make hyperlinks bold.</p></td></tr>
<tr><td><p><input type=checkbox name=round <?php if (file_exists("data/round.txt")) { echo checked; } ?>> Use round corners.</p></td></tr>
<tr><td><p><input type=checkbox name=center <?php if (file_exists("data/center.txt")) { echo checked; } ?>> Display <?php
tree aa6ae87fa4f0f777fe4e0447564b3594d9a14cbc
parent e596d8416c4b1b7c514289d1c9832319914d4428
author Engels Antonio <> 1277314197 +0800
committer Engels Antonio <> 1277314197 +0800
diff --git a/edit.php b/edit.php
index 6daf675..b6a8c7f 100644
--- a/edit.php
+++ b/edit.php
@@ -116,7 +116,15 @@ p, td {
a {
- font-weight: bold;
+ font-weight: <?php
+ if (file_exists("data/xbold.txt")) {
+ echo "normal";
+ }
+ else {
+ echo "bold";
+ }
+ ?>;
text-decoration: none;
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
index edad158..19557f0 100644
--- a/index.php
+++ b/index.php
@@ -691,7 +691,15 @@ p, td {
a {
- font-weight: bold;
+ font-weight: <?php
+ if (file_exists("data/xbold.txt")) {
+ echo "normal";
+ }
+ else {
+ echo "bold";
+ }
+ ?>;
text-decoration: none;
@@ -2082,7 +2090,7 @@ foreach ($disp as $d) {
echo "><br>";
- echo "$author</a><br>";
+ echo "<b>$author</b></a><br>";
if ((file_get_contents("data/username.txt") == $author) and file_exists("data/rank.txt")) {
echo "administrator<br>";
@@ -2681,16 +2689,15 @@ if (file_exists("data/panels")) {
echo '<b class="rbtop"><b class="rb1t"></b><b class="rb2t"></b><b class="rb3t"></b><b class="rb4t"></b></b><div class="xtitle">';
else {
- echo '<div id=panel_title>';
+ echo "<div id=panel_title>";
- echo 'Filedrop';
+ echo "Filedrop";
if (isset($_SESSION['logged_in']) and ($_SESSION['logged_in'] == $login_username)) {
- echo '<a href=del.php?entry=';
- echo $d;
- echo '&target=filedrop><img src=images/widget.del.png border=0 width=11 height=11 align=right alt="delete filedrop"></a>';
+ echo "<a href=del.php?entry=$d&target=filedrop><img src=images/widget.del.png border=0 width=11 height=11 align=right alt=\"delete filedrop\"></a>";
- echo '</div><div id=panel_body>';
+ echo "</div><div id=panel_body>";
if (file_exists("$dir/$d/passwd.txt") and (!isset($_SESSION['logged_in']) or ($_SESSION['logged_in'] != $login_username)) and (!isset($_REQUEST['passwd']) or ($crypt_passwd != $passwd))) {
echo "This entry is password protected. If you know the magic word, click <a href=passwd.php?entry=$d&show=filedrop>here</a> to enter it.";
@@ -2700,44 +2707,55 @@ if (file_exists("data/panels")) {
if ($dh_filedrop = opendir("data/items/$d/filedrop/files")) {
while (($dl_file = readdir($dh_filedrop)) !== false) {
if ($dl_file != "." && $dl_file != ".." && fnmatch("*", $dl_file)) {
- echo '<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4><tr><td>';
- echo '<a href=' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?entry=' . $d . '&download=' . $dl_file. '&type=filedrop>';
- echo '<img src=images/filedrop.png width=36 height=36 border=0 alt="download file"></a></td>';
- echo '<td><p><b>';
- echo $dl_file;
- echo'</b>';
- if (file_exists("data/items/$d/filedrop/sha1.txt")) {
- $sha1 = sha1_file("data/items/$d/filedrop/files/$dl_file");
- echo "<br />$sha1 (<a href= target=_maj>sha1</a>)";
- }
- if (file_exists("data/items/$d/filedrop/md5.txt")) {
- $md5 = md5_file("data/items/$d/filedrop/files/$dl_file");
- echo "<br />$md5 (<a href= target=_maj>md5</a>)";
- }
- $size = filesize("data/items/$d/filedrop/files/$dl_file");
- $size_string = ($size > 512)?( ($size/1024 > 512) ?sprintf("%.02f MB",($size/1024)/1024) :sprintf("%.02f KB",$size/1024)) :sprintf("%d B",$size);
- echo "<br />$size_string";
- $filedrop_count_file = "data/items/$d/filedrop/count/$dl_file" . '.txt';
- if (file_exists($filedrop_count_file)) {
- $fp_filedrop_count = fopen($filedrop_count_file, "r");
- $filedrop_count = fread($fp_filedrop_count, filesize($filedrop_count_file));
- fclose($fp_filedrop_count);
- echo '<br>';
- echo $filedrop_count;
- if ($filedrop_count == 1) {
- echo ' download';
- }
- if ($filedrop_count > 1) {
- echo ' downloads';
- }
- }
- echo '</p></td></tr></table>';
+ $filedrop_files[] = $dl_file;
+ reset($filedrop_files);
+ sort($filedrop_files);
+ foreach ($filedrop_files as $filedrop_file) {
+ echo "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4><tr><td>";
+ echo "<a href=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?entry=$d&download=$filedrop_file&type=filedrop\">";
+ echo "<img src=images/filedrop.png width=36 height=36 border=0 alt=\"download file\"></a></td>";
+ echo "<td><p><b>$filedrop_file</b>";
+ if (file_exists("data/items/$d/filedrop/sha1.txt")) {
+ $sha1 = sha1_file("data/items/$d/filedrop/files/$filedrop_file");
+ echo "<br />$sha1 (<a href= target=_maj>sha1</a>)";
+ }
+ if (file_exists("data/items/$d/filedrop/md5.txt")) {
+ $md5 = md5_file("data/items/$d/filedrop/files/$filedrop_file");
+ echo "<br />$md5 (<a href= target=_maj>md5</a>)";
+ }
+ $size = filesize("data/items/$d/filedrop/files/$filedrop_file");
+ $size_string = ($size > 512)?( ($size/1024 > 512) ?sprintf("%.02f MB",($size/1024)/1024) :sprintf("%.02f KB",$size/1024)) :sprintf("%d B",$size);
+ echo "<br />$size_string";
+ $filedrop_count_file = "data/items/$d/filedrop/count/$filedrop_file" . '.txt';
+ if (file_exists($filedrop_count_file)) {
+ $fp_filedrop_count = fopen($filedrop_count_file, "r");
+ $filedrop_count = fread($fp_filedrop_count, filesize($filedrop_count_file));
+ fclose($fp_filedrop_count);
+ echo "<br>$filedrop_count";
+ if ($filedrop_count == 1) {
+ echo " download";
+ }
+ if ($filedrop_count > 1) {
+ echo " downloads";
+ }
+ }
+ echo "</p></td></tr></table>";
+ }
- echo '</div>';
+ echo "</div>";
if (file_exists("data/round.txt")) {
echo '<b class="rbbottom"><b class="rb4b"></b><b class="rb3b"></b><b class="rb2b"></b><b class="rb1b"></b></b>';
@@ -2836,7 +2854,8 @@ if (file_exists("data/panels")) {
echo '><tr><td>';
if ($dh_comments = opendir("$dir/$d/comments/live")) {
while (($entry_comments = readdir($dh_comments)) !== false) {
- if ($entry_comments != "." && $entry_comments != ".." && fnmatch("*", $entry_comments)) { $show_comments[] = $entry_comments;
+ if ($entry_comments != "." && $entry_comments != ".." && fnmatch("*", $entry_comments)) {
+ $show_comments[] = $entry_comments;
@@ -3608,7 +3627,7 @@ if (($start >= $increase) and ($start != 0)) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['find']) and !empty($_REQUEST['find']) and ($_REQUEST['find'] == "filedrop")) {
echo "find=filedrop&";
- echo "start=" . ($start-$increase) . "\">previous</a></p></td>";
+ echo "start=" . ($start-$increase) . "\"><b>previous</b></a></p></td>";
if ($end < sizeof($items)) {
@@ -3646,7 +3665,7 @@ if ($end < sizeof($items)) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['find']) and !empty($_REQUEST['find']) and ($_REQUEST['find'] == "filedrop")) {
echo "find=filedrop&";
- echo "start=" . ($start+$increase) . "\">next</a></p></td>";
+ echo "start=" . ($start+$increase) . "\"><b>next</b></a></p></td>";
@@ -3717,9 +3736,9 @@ if (isset($_SESSION['logged_in']) and ($_SESSION['logged_in'] == $login_username
if ($dh_list_pending_comment_flags = opendir("data/comments/pending")) {
while (($entry_list_pending_comment_flags = readdir($dh_list_pending_comment_flags)) !== false) {
if ($entry_list_pending_comment_flags != "." && $entry_list_pending_comment_flags != ".." && fnmatch("*", $entry_list_pending_comment_flags)) {
- echo '<a href=' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?entry=' .$entry_list_pending_comment_flags . '&show=comments>';
+ echo '<a href=' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?entry=' .$entry_list_pending_comment_flags . '&show=comments><b>';
- echo '</a><br><font style="font-size: 10px; color: #999999;">';
+ echo '</b></a><br><font style="font-size: 10px; color: #999999;">';
$fp_comment_count_txt = fopen("data/comments/pending/$entry_list_pending_comment_flags/count.txt","r");
$comment_count_value = fread($fp_comment_count_txt,filesize("data/comments/pending/$entry_list_pending_comment_flags/count.txt"));
diff --git a/settings.php b/settings.php
index 7565bc5..8fb90bc 100644
--- a/settings.php
+++ b/settings.php
@@ -213,6 +213,18 @@ if (!isset($_POST['xrecent']) or empty($_POST['xrecent'])) {
+if (isset($_POST['xbold']) and !empty($_POST['xbold']) and ($_POST['xbold'] == "on") and !file_exists("data/xbold.txt")) {
+ touch("data/xbold.txt");
+if (!isset($_POST['xbold']) or empty($_POST['xbold'])) {
+ if (isset($_POST['edit']) and ($_POST['edit'] == "on")) {
+ if (file_exists("data/xbold.txt")) {
+ unlink("data/xbold.txt");
+ }
+ }
if (isset($_POST['round']) and !empty($_POST['round']) and ($_POST['round'] == "on") and !file_exists("data/round.txt")) {
@@ -1002,10 +1014,10 @@ a:active {
<tr><td><p>ping on content change</p></td><td><input autocomplete=off class=input type=text name=ping value="<?php readfile("data/ping.txt"); ?>"></td></tr>
<tr><td rowspan=<?php
if (file_exists("data/email.txt")) {
- echo "11";
+ echo "12";
else {
- echo "10";
+ echo "11";
><p>toggles</p></td><td><p><input type=checkbox name=nocomment <?php if (file_exists("data/nocomment.txt")) { echo checked; } ?>> Do not allow visitors to post comments.</p></td></tr>
@@ -1018,6 +1030,7 @@ a:active {
<tr><td><p><input type=checkbox name=xarc <?php if (file_exists("data/xarc.txt")) { echo checked; } ?>> Do not show archives panel.</p></td></tr>
<tr><td><p><input type=checkbox name=xcat <?php if (file_exists("data/xcat.txt")) { echo checked; } ?>> Do not show categories panel.</p></td></tr>
<tr><td><p><input type=checkbox name=nocat <?php if (file_exists("data/nocat.txt")) { echo checked; } ?>> Do not show categorized items with unfiled entries.</p></td></tr>
+<tr><td><p><input type=checkbox name=xbold <?php if (file_exists("data/xbold.txt")) { echo checked; } ?>> Do not make hyperlinks bold.</p></td></tr>
<tr><td><p><input type=checkbox name=round <?php if (file_exists("data/round.txt")) { echo checked; } ?>> Use round corners.</p></td></tr>
<tr><td><p><input type=checkbox name=center <?php if (file_exists("data/center.txt")) { echo checked; } ?>> Display <?php